6 Habits for Success

6 Key Habits for Success 

I’m kicking off a new series, and I couldn’t be more excited! 

Over the next several weeks, I’ll dive into 6 habits that are instrumental not just for business success but for life in general. 

Let’s get into it: 


  1. Establish S.M.A.R.T. Goals – and stretch them

Your goals should align with the S.M.A.R.T. system (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Based). This framework will allow you to know exactly where you are in relation to where you need to be. 

Why stretch goals? They push us beyond our comfort zone, allow us to grow internally, and give us something to strive for even after knocking out our initial targets. 


  1. Fiscal Responsibility

Money management is crucial, whether you love it or hate it. Practicing fiscal responsibility means knowing how much you make and how much you spend. 

Surround yourself with knowledgeable people to maintain financial discipline. Regularly review your finances to make sure you’re being efficient and determine the efficacy of your spending and saving strategies, making necessary adjustments over time. 


  1. Organization

Can you easily find a document, email, or schedule when you need it? If your workspace (either physical or metaphorical for my road warriors) is a pigpen, it means you will not execute as well as you could have – or maybe not at all. 

An organized workspace, whether physical or digital, will enhance your ability to execute tasks efficiently and effectively. Clutter will almost always hinder your performance, so keep things tidy and always accessible. 


  1. Self-Development

Continuous growth is vital but can be challenging sometimes. You need to continue to grow and improve, but how do you know what to focus on? 

Start with the 6 areas listed here, stay curious, ask questions, and seek mentorship from those who are ahead of you. Self-improvement is a lifelong journey – not an overnight superhero transformation.  


  1. Positive Mindset

Maintaining a positive mindset, especially during tough times, can be challenging. It can be easy to be positive when everything is going right…but what about when crap hits the fan? How do we keep ourselves up?  

Understanding your purpose and your “why” are both key to staying optimistic and driven. What keeps you motivated? Is it revisiting goals, family, or the rewards of your achievements? Surround yourself with supportive people who lift you up and that allow you to feel comfortable being vulnerable. 


  1. Systems

“We don’t rise to our goals; we fall to our systems.” I love this quote. It highlights the importance of having robust systems in place. 

Even with S.M.A.R.T. goals and a solid plan (especially a “this plan worked for me, here’s the hidden secret” plan), ineffective and impersonal systems can hold you back. 

Regularly evaluate your systems by asking: How do I set my goals? How often do I revisit them? What are my budgets? Do I know where my money goes each month? Can I find what I need quickly? Do I know what I need to do without things falling through the cracks – especially for things that I don’t need to interact with every day? 


If you can find ways to incorporate these habits into a personal routine that fits your lifestyle, you’re going to notice immediate change, and you’ll begin to witness your success take off! 

Stay tuned for deeper dives into each habit over the coming weeks. 

If you’re not already, feel free to keep in touch via socials: 

IG: @jacobhickscoach 

FB: Jacob Hicks 


I’ll be resharing this blog post on my socials