Do to-do lists really help?

I have been doing some thinking about getting stuff done lately. Day to day tasks and longer term tasks like cleaning my vacuum or updating my personal finance systems. (I know, I know. I’m a dork and proud of it! Lol) This is a big topic for my coaching clients too.

I was doing some reading the other day on to-do lists in Harvard Business Review. They talk about how having a to-do list is effective for a few reasons.

  1. When we create a to-do list item we are committing to a specific plan of action. This eases our stress about having to remember that we have some important thing to do
  2. It also forces us to figure out what the steps are to actually complete the tasks.

It was a good read. I’ll drop the article in the comments.

I suggest to my clients to use Todoist. It’s an that you can get on both you phone and computer. You can set up tasks to repeat every week, month, or several months to keep you on track. Then you can also set things up for you team.

Personally, I love todo lists. I will even add an item I have already done just to cross it off! Is this more evidence that I have fallen victim to adulthood? Leave me a (pen emoji) or (pencil emoji) below if you love todo lists too! What apps do you use??

Do to-do lists really help?

Jacob Hicks stands out as an exceptional Elite Success Coach, who is deeply committed to helping you build the satisfied, full life you want. Holding certification as an Elite Coach, Jacob has collaborated with numerous leaders, professionals, and entrepreneurs, helping them gain clarity as they move towards success. Through his expertise, he has empowered his “Coaching Allies” to discover their optimal strategies for both business and personal fulfillment.

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