3 Keys to Journaling

As some of you know, I have started coaching successful, hardworking people. But sometimes when someone is working hard, on that grind, it can be easy to lose sight of your own journey. I know I’ve been there.

Recently, I was working with a client going through this exact thing. He’s very goal-oriented and wants to work hard to achieve those goals. But lately, he was feeling like he wasn’t making any progress.

We had some great discussions and did some strategizing on how to keep what he has done and where he has been in mind. Both day-to-day and over the long term.

We came up with a few things. He thought journaling could be a good way to keep these things front of mind, especially when he is struggling or feels like he isn’t making the progress he wants, but also to reflect on his day.

3 Keys to Journaling for My Client…

  1. Journal every day
  2. Journal 1 page at MOST
  3. If you don’t have much to say, that’s ok

He’s been doing this for several weeks now and feels more centered on what he is doing day to day, like he is making progress, and on those crappy days when he is beating himself up a bit, he can get those things out on paper.

This is the journal I use every day. I really like it because it lets me write every day for a year and lays really flat.

But what do you think? What’s your opinion on journaling? Any better strategies?

3 Keys to Journaling

Jacob Hicks stands out as an exceptional Elite Success Coach, who is deeply committed to helping you build the satisfied, full life you want. Holding certification as an Elite Coach, Jacob has collaborated with numerous leaders, professionals, and entrepreneurs, helping them gain clarity as they move towards success. Through his expertise, he has empowered his “Coaching Allies” to discover their optimal strategies for both business and personal fulfillment.

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