Do elephants even taste good? 3 questions to ask yourself when sitting down to a goal oriented task

I was doing some thinking the other day about that old jokey saying, “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.” It still rings true to me. When we have goals we are going after, especially big, audacious goals that make our friends question our sanity, those small, consistent efforts will get us where we want to go. But I feel like there’s a little more to it.

We need small, consistent efforts to achieve what we want. But some days are better than others. (or they are for me anyway. Maybe you can relate?) Some days, all I have room for is a bite. Everything else I am doing has worn me out.
On other days, I can handle 2, 3, 5, 10 bites, a whole steak with a side of taters, and fried mushrooms (maybe I’m hungry right now). The key is to stay a little hungry. If we overeat or overwork ourselves, how are we supposed to do it all again tomorrow?

3 Questions to Ask Yourself

  1. How much more do I have in the tank? You have to know your limits. If your goal is to learn to play piano, and you sit down after a 15-hour day to play your self-assigned 10 or 20 minutes, you may feel like playing is the last thing you want to do. But you do it anyway. Maybe it’s not perfect. Maybe you only review. Or play a little less than your allotment. Don’t shoot for perfect. Shoot for consistency.
  2. Can I push myself today? The opposite is also true. Maybe you’ve had a light day. You feel bursting with energy. If your goal is to write one page or 30 minutes daily, it’s ok to push beyond what you’ve assigned. Eat that steak and maybe get a little uncomfortable.
  3. Will accomplishing this task ultimately get me where I want to go? I hope this answer is always “Yes!” We want what we are doing every day to get us where we want to end up. It’s always good to have reviews every so often to see how you are doing. Is what you are doing every day actually driving towards the end goal? But take judgement out of it. Don’t beat yourself up for not hitting milestones or not progressing as fast you’d like. We aren’t in a sprint.
Do elephants even taste good? 3 questions to ask yourself when sitting down to a goal oriented task

Jacob Hicks stands out as an exceptional Elite Success Coach, who is deeply committed to helping you build the satisfied, full life you want. Holding certification as an Elite Coach, Jacob has collaborated with numerous leaders, professionals, and entrepreneurs, helping them gain clarity as they move towards success. Through his expertise, he has empowered his “Coaching Allies” to discover their optimal strategies for both business and personal fulfillment.

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