Is it ok to pick up a mountain?

I was chatting with a coaching client the other day about goals. You see, she has been thinking about running a marathon. A great goal but she is a little intimidated by the idea. This got me wondering, “When is a goal too big?” How do we know?

I was doing some research on this when I came across an article in Harvard Business Review. The article says that we can only know if a goal is too big once we start working on it. That is to say that we know a goal is unattainable only once we have set out to achieve it. I’ll link it in the comments.

It goes on to say that benefits can still be had even if a goal is unattainable. Such as increased achievement and feeling positive about hitting smaller accomplishments along the way. It’s about the journey. However, we experience these positive things when we handle failure well. We do this by…

  • not dwelling on failure
  • celebrating small wins
  • some objective analysis

To answer my question
To answer my own question, “When is a goal too big?,” it can’t be too big if we handle failure well and focus on the journey. Sound good?

So get out there and set some big, hairy, audacious goals. Lift some mountains! Leave me a (mountain emoji) if you’re on board. Or let me know if you feel a little differently!

Is it ok to pick up a mountain?

Jacob Hicks stands out as an exceptional Elite Success Coach, who is deeply committed to helping you build the satisfied, full life you want. Holding certification as an Elite Coach, Jacob has collaborated with numerous leaders, professionals, and entrepreneurs, helping them gain clarity as they move towards success. Through his expertise, he has empowered his “Coaching Allies” to discover their optimal strategies for both business and personal fulfillment.

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